Friday, July 29, 2011

Debt Armageddon is looming

Debt Armageddon is looming
With both sides of Congress still fuming.
Will we default?
And just empty the vault?

Sorry, I just can’t decide on the last line, come back on August 2nd.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The two sides have settled their fray

The two sides have settled their fray.
We’ll have football! Hip, Hip, Hooray!
There’s great jubilation
Across the entire nation
‘Cause we’ve got back our cherished Sunday
. . . and Monday and some Thursdays and a couple Saturdays, and don’t forget Thanksgiving.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

They wanted her to go to refab

They wanted her to go to refab;
So she did (nore than once) give it a stab.
Now, at 27
Amy’s gig is in heaven,
Where she’s made it a little less drab.

Rest in Peace, Amy Winehouse.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Let’s hear it for Vincent McMahon

Let’s hear it for Vincent McMahon
The WWE CEO and front man.
He turned playing the fool
Into a corporate tool
Squeezing big bucks from each “rassling” fan.

Friday, July 22, 2011

So, Michelle Bachman can’t be president

So, Michelle Bachman can’t be president
Due to migraines? Is that your dissent?
Franklin Delano
Served with polio.
And he certainly did represent.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Despite views of some sports-talking dopes

Despite views of some sports-talking dopes,
Women’s futbol is not on the ropes.
Nine months after the Cup
We surely will be up
To our ears in young Amys and Hopes.

Monday, July 18, 2011

America’s future is scary

America’s future is scary
When our kids can’t find the library.
The one’s around here
Think that Shakespeare
Is “kinda a white Tyler Perry”.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

They’ve shuttered The News of the World

They’ve shuttered The News of the World
Since the paper’s made the Empire all a-twirled.
If they’d hacked my phone
They’d have found me alone,
With no prospects of becoming a-girled.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Please listen to Christopher Titus

Please listen to Christopher Titus.
His message should serve to ignite us.
;Cause we don’t concentrate
On what made us all great,
We just focus on the detritus.

Watch for the repeat of "Nevelution" on Comedy Central, of get the CD or stand in front of his house until he gives you a free show.

Friday, July 8, 2011

The last space shuttle took off today

The last space shuttle took off today
When it lands, they will pack it away.
Now, how in the ace
Will we get into space?
Hitchhike with the Russkies? No Way!